372 Bocce - Teams & Rosters

Photo courtesy of Rob Swanson, The Islander

League Teams and Rosters

Below please find the names and rosters of our curent 14 teams. We will forward contact information to the league via email since this is a public website and we are sure our members would prefer having their information kept among the league's members only.

1. Antipastos
June Chamberlain
Larry Chamberlain
Cynthia Kelly
Todd Kelly
2. Cannolis
Glenda Leake
David Leake
Marie Kilbride
Jim Kilbride
3. Dead Eyes
Jean Shepard
Tim Shepard
Ben Kneppers
Danielle Kneppers
4. Don’t Bocce It Up (DBIU)
Linda Seavey
Carl Frenning
Diana Langston
Greg Langston
5. Glam Gals
Judy Steacy
Marla Roberts
Kelly DesLauriers
Phyllis Keene
Marjy Letzelter
Lisa Bilowith
6. High Rollers
Barb Carter
Dave Carter
Nadeane Stone
Bill Stone
7. Hopeful
Joy Gess
Rob Gess
Nany Stroz
Mike Stroz
Gale Pekar
Bob Pekar
8. Jaybirds
Tammy DeBono
Jay DeBono
Bill Vitale
Jonathan DeBono
Laurie Fleming
Tom Wilson
Irene Falby
Jim Falby
10. New Kids on the Bocce (NKOB)
Joanne Benetto
Terry Benetto
Paula Irish
Rob Singer
Pat Gonyo
11. Nunzios
Steve Myers
Laurie Redel
Bill Ryan
Myra Ameigh
Veronica Metivier
12. 0’s
Lou Danielczyk
Maureen Danielczyk
Marcia Ryan
Kathy Racine
13. Rolling Thunder
Denise Felix
Mike Felix
Michelle Somaini
Jon Somaini
14. Wrecking Balls
Maryellen Schaefer
Thomas Schaefer
Phil Stinson
Mary Jane Stinson