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Spring 2024 Newsletter

Our league is growing

We have three new teams joining us this year, bringing us from 12 teams to 15. This growth has created a slight scheduling challenge, almost forcing us to play into September. By that time many of us will have reached bocce fatigue and start wondering when all of this ball rolling will end. So, to alleviate the problem we’ve decided to split the league into two sections or sezioni, in keeping with bocce’s Italian heritage. There will be a Roman Sezione and a Venetian Sezione. We will be playing Mondays thru Wednesday and there will be an early game at 4:30PM on Mondays and Wednesdays, with our regular starting times following of 5:30 and 6:30. With the league structured and scheduled in this way, league play will begin on June 17th and end on August 7th with playoffs and championship matches the week of August 12. The schedule will alternate between sezioni so that eventually we should see all of our fellow players in the league. We have blocked off the week of July 4th since many of us are busy that week. Since there are an odd number of teams, some teams will have to play twice in one week, we’ve also opted to leave some open slots during the week where a 16th team might have played.

There will be two score books in the shed, a red one for the Roman sezione and a green one for the Venetion sezione. The sezioni will look like this.

Roman Sezione
Dead Eyes
Glam Girls
New Kids on the Bocce
Wrecking Balls
Venetian Sezione
Don’t Bocce It Up
High Rollers
Rolling Thunder
North Heros

Scoring and Standings

We will score the same as last year, awarding 2 points for each game won. In the case of a split match a tie breaker will be played. The winning team of match play will receive 4 points and in the case of a tie breaker, the loosing team will receive 2 points, otherwise the losing team will receive no points. Total score for each game should be recorded and will be used in establishing standings. To be clear, teams will be ranked by number of matches won and secondly total points scored. Please be sure to text or email a photo of the score book to Bill Ryan at 802-363-1365 or ryan.ryan.2@comcast.net and he will post scores and standings at the end of each week on the website https://islandbocceclub.com/


In the past we’ve asked seasoned players to either come early or stay late from their scheduled games to ref the earlier or later game. This makes for a long evening for them. Instead, we are asking that the players not throwing in a match ref, each team overseeing each other’s calls. This seemed to have worked last year and we are asking that we do it again this year.

Miscellaneous Stuff & Entreaties

Finally, we ask that all teams playing in the earlier games to remember to keep play moving along. While this is primarily a social league and we do enjoy visiting with our fellow players, keep in mind that there are teams playing after you. Especially on those three game nights.

Also don’t forget to mark your scores in the right scorebook and either take a picture of the scorebook page and text it to Bill Ryan at 802-363-1365 or email it to him at ryan.ryan.2@comcast.net or just text or email the scores to him. Also, while posting points for games won or lost, be sure to post total points scored in the games except in the tie-breakers.

The schedule will be posted and kept up to date on the website https://islandbocceclub.com/ and as long as any rescheduled rain-out dates get to Bill Ryan, he will keep the schedule on the website as up to date as he possibly can.

New Club Leadership

Since Lou Danielczyk resigned as Commissioner two years ago, our interim Commissioners both Glenda Leake and Jeannie Shepard found how much work was involved while the rest of us just showed up to play. Running the club and administering to our court is too much for one person to handle alone. Which is why we have instituted an IBC Executive Committee to run the club. Several of our members have volunteered to head up the sub-committees and if you have an interest please reach out them. We're sure they would appreciate the help. The whole committee should meet sometime in late April to plan for the upcoming season and as needed afterwards. Inter-committee meetings can be held as needed to establish total number of teams, schedules, requirements for court maintenance etc. The committee leadership is as follows. Contact addresses and phone numbers will distributed when teams are established. Until then use the club's email:Island Bocce Club
Commissioner: Rob Singer
• Face, phone call and decider.
Membership: Paula Irish
• Collect member fees
• Assigns unattached members to teams
• Develops final rosters
• Works closely with treasurer & Commissioner
Treasurer: David Leake
• Collects membership fees from Membership.
• Banks funds & keeps accurate record of Clubs finances.
• Pays bills
Court and Shed: David Leake & Jim Kilbride
•In charge of the condition and reconditioning of the court & shed.
• Responsible for recruiting help from membership for projects.
Communications and score keeping: Bill Ryan
•Responsible to maintain website
•Distribution of intra club and public information.
•Posts scores on website & keeps record of scores.
Scheduling: Marcia Ryan
•Schedules matches
•Offers alternatives for scheduling conflicts.

Doubles League Schedule 2024

Games to begin at 4:30PM, 5:30PM and 6:30PM on Mondays and Wednesday. Tuesday's games will start at 5:30PM and 6:30PM.

Scoring for matches will be the same as last season. Each match will consist of two games to 7 points. In the case of each team winning a game in a match, there will be a tie breaker to 5 points to determine the winner of the match. The teams will receive 2 points for each game won. Total points scored in each match will be tallied less any points scored in a tie breaker toward a season total and in season standings based on matches won.

Downloadable calendar schedules are available here for:June, July, Aug.These schedules may not reflect the most recent changes due to conflicts and rain days. This webpage should reflect the most recent changes.

Tuesday 6/18
High Rollers vs. North Heros*
*Game postponed, new date to be determined
Wednesday 7/10
Wrecking Balls vs. Hopeful*
*Games postponed, new date to be determined

July 2024

Early games start @ 4:30PM on Mon. & Wed. Tues. games start start at 5:30PM.

Monday 7/29
Wrecking Balls vs JILT
Open slot for a make-up game @5:30PM.
Dead Eyes vs. Hopeful
Tuesday 7/30
Open slot for a make-up game @4:30PM.
Glam Gals vs. Antipastos
Wedneday 7/31
Rolling Thunder vs. North Heros
Nunzios vs. NKOB
Jaybirds vs. O's

August 2024

Early games start @ 4:30PM on Mon. & Wed.

Monday 8/5
Glam Gals vs. Wrecking Balls_
Open slot for a make-up game @5:30PM.
Open slot for a make-up game @6:30PM.
Tuesday 8/6
High Rollers vs. O's*
*Postponed game from 7/10 @4:30PM.
Hopeful vs Nunzios
Wedneday 8/7
Open slot for a make-up game @4:30PM.
Antipastos vs. Dead Eyes

Playoffs & Championship

Monday 8/12
3rd place Roman vs 3rd place Venetian
2nd place Roman vs 2nd place Venetian
Tuesday 8/13
1st place Roman vs 1st place Venetian
Winner of 2nd place playoff vs winner of 3rd place playoff
Wedneday 8/14
Winner of 1st place playoff vs winner of 2nd & 3rd place playoff