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2024 Newsletter

Stuff We talked about

Summary of Playoffs - Heroic play between Wrecking Balls and DBIU during the pouring rain. David Leake has photos/videos of some of the comical play. Maybe they could be shared with the group by way of the website? Jaybirds were victorious over the Dead Eyes. Congratulations to the winners and to those who gave their all! The Guido was presented to Jay DeBono & Bill Vitale.

Starting Time for Games - 4:30 starting time worked for most. Those who cannot possibly arrive by 4:30 will note this on the membership form when signing up.

Team Configuration and Schedule 2025 - Bill and Marcia Ryan’s recommendations - Fourteen teams which will involve scheduling 3 games on Monday & Wednesday nights and 1 game on Tuesday night at 4:30, 5:30, 6:30. League will run from the first week in June until the first week of September with no games scheduled the week of July 4th. Currently, we have 15 teams, however, one team has decided not to return next season putting us at the recommended 14. Having 14 teams and playing from June to September will allow all teams to play each other once. Many present at today’s meeting would have liked to have played all teams. Moving forward we will be having an even number of teams with a desired max of 14 teams. If we get lots of new interest, we may have to look at this further. At this point, the plan will be to place new players on established teams. Paula Irish, will communicate with existing teams if and when we need to add new members to their team. Teams that consisted of 5 or 6 players this year said that it was helpful to have extra players to fill in for absent players as lots of things come up over the summer months. It would also be helpful to establish a sub list. Perhaps the question of subbing could be added to the Membership Application Form?,

Advertisement - Several today believed we should continue to post the fact that we have an Island Bocce team and new members are welcome keeping in mind that we will have to be creative in structuring the optimal number of teams. Paula will work closely with Bill and Marcia as we form the teams and create the schedule. It was suggested that IBC be announced on the Parks & Rec website as well as in The Islander. Bill Ryan will email all current members in the spring reminding them to sign up and giving them a deadline.

Membership Alternative - Those present were open to the idea of allowing individuals to join the IBC without having to play in the Doubles League. They would pay the fee and have access to the shed and court at any time except Monday through Wednesday evenings. It was suggested that someone design a schedule and post it on the storage shed so that the community at large and those members not involved in the Doubles League know when it is available. Perhaps the Commissioner can assign this task to someone.


- Bill Ryan graciously offered to be the new Commissioner if no one volunteered. SOOOOOO - THANK YOU BILL, we would love to have you continue on in this role. Bill supported many of us this past season answering our questions, keeping us informed and leading the way. It was deeply appreciated! In support of Bill Ryan, who requested a “Party Planner” to help out at the beginning orientation meeting and at the year end celebration a team of 3 have stepped up to assist! Linda Seavey, Diana Langston and Pat Gonyo will help plan these two events next year. (Diana, hopefully, Linda let you know about this:))

OTHER Stuff - Diana Langston had suggested that the final game be held at the End of the Year Party. Those at the gathering supported this as well. Since we will most likely not have playoffs, if for some reason the season ends in a tie for first place, the tiebreaker game could be scheduled for the day of the End of the Year Party.

Lou Danielczyk made a great suggestion about the potential to plan Breakfast Clubs, or Weekly Get Togethers at the Bocce Court. The possibilities are endless. If a group of members do decide to do this it could be added to a schedule posted on the IBC Shed.

Dave asked if members thought there was enough or too much sand this year on the court? Some noted that it was a bit bumpy and loose from time to time. It would be great if the first team of the evening used the roller to flatten out the surface. It may need to be rolled out a little more in the future. Something that the Court and Shed Committee can keep an eye on. It was also suggested that the Club use some of its funds to purchase or build a couple of benches for players and observers.

Last but not least - Internet access for Donaldson Park DonaldsonPark WIFI Password: GIOutdoors

Looking Toward Next Year

As we face the end of another bocce season and look forward to next year, we would like to suggest some slight reorganization of the league’s working committees.

If anyone is interested in being commissioner for next season please speak up. We have a responsible organization to back you up. All you need to do is be the titular head of the league and engage your organization to their duties in a timely fashion. Rob Singer has declined to take that role in the future.

We would like to suggest the following rearrangement of the Island Bocce League organization based on past performance and verbal commitment from members:

Commissioner: Open
• Face, phone call and decider.
Membership: Paula Irish
• Collect member fees
• Assigns unattached members to teams
• Develops final rosters
• Works closely with treasurer & Commissioner
Treasurer: Barb Carter
• Collects membership fees from Membership.
• Banks funds & keeps accurate record of Clubs finances.
• Pays bills
Court and Shed: David Leake & Jim Kilbride
•In charge of the condition and reconditioning of the court & shed.
• Responsible for recruiting help from membership for projects.
Score Keeper: Tammy DeBono
•Responsible for keeping track of scores for all games.
•Responsible for maintaining score book.
•Transferring scores to the webmaster for posting within a day of games played.
Communications: Bill Ryan
•Responsible to maintain website
•Distribution of intra club and public information.
•Posts scores on website within a day of games played.
Scheduling: Marcia Ryan
•Schedules matches
•Offers alternatives for scheduling conflicts.

All of the above people would appreciate any help from fellow league members as they see fit. You can contact them via the league roster emails and phone numbers.

Doubles League Schedule 2024

Games to begin at 4:30PM, 5:30PM and 6:30PM on Mondays and Wednesday. Tuesday's games will start at 5:30PM and 6:30PM.

Scoring for matches will be the same as last season. Each match will consist of two games to 7 points. In the case of each team winning a game in a match, there will be a tie breaker to 5 points to determine the winner of the match. The teams will receive 2 points for each game won. Total points scored in each match will be tallied less any points scored in a tie breaker toward a season total and in season standings based on matches won.

Downloadable calendar schedules are available here for:June, July, Aug.These schedules may not reflect the most recent changes due to conflicts and rain days. This webpage should reflect the most recent changes.

Playoffs & Championship

Games start @ 5:30PM & 6:30PM.

Tuesday 8/20
The Hopeful vs DBIU (Third place play-off)
The Hopeful have defaulted to the Don't Bocce It Ups
Wrecking Balls vs O's (Second place play-off)
The O's have defaulted to the Wrecking Balls

Wrecking Balls vs DBIU@6:30PM
Wednesday 8/21
Dead Eyes vs Jaybirds
Thursday 8/22
Dead Eyes vs Jaybirds(if rained out Wed.)
Winner of 1st place playoff vs Wrecking Balls for the Guido.
Friday 8/23
Rec Committee Grand Isle Summer Party
5PM to 7PM
Sunday 8/25
Picnic get together, awarding of Trophys, etc. from 12 to 3PM.